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No Poverty (1)

No Poverty

Sustainable Development Goal 1

Volunteering Group

1.2 : Serve the homeless

Volunteer with an organization in service of those who are displaced or unsheltered.


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Reading Map

1.5 : Make a disaster plan

Make a disaster preparedness plan for the natural disasters or home events that effect your area, such as fires, hurricanes, or earthquakes.


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Zero Hunger (2)

Zero Hunger

Sustainable Development Goal 2

Food Delivery

2.1 : Donate to a      food drive

Donate nonperishables like cans or perishables like milk to a food bank or pantry depending on what they ask for.


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Volunteer Charity

2.1 : Serve meals to      those in need

Volunteer to serve hot meals at a soup kitchen or hand out meal kits at a mobile food pantry.


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Volunteers at Food Bank

2.1 : Volunteer at a  food bank

Sort food donations, organize stock, prepare meal kits - all examples of things volunteers can do to help a food bank operate smoothly.


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Good Health and Wellbeing (3)

Good Health and Wellbeing

Sustainable Development Goal 3

Running a Race

3.3 : Move for the cause

Participate in a walkathon or a race to raise funds for a healthcare cause.


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Quality Education (4)

Quality Education

Sustainable Development Goal 4


4.1 : Teach the youth

Be a part of the village and help educate children K-12, either in the classroom, at a camp, or as a tutor.


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Teaching sitting children

4.2 : Early Childcare

Help prepare children to succeed by providing early childcare and Pre-K education at home, in your community, at Sunday school, in daycare, at Preschool, and beyond.


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Male Teacher with Students

4.6 : Read to others

Volunteer to read with children or adults to improve their literacy and fluency levels.


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Math Class

4.6 : Teach math

Build fundamental skills by teaching math skills as a volunteer, tutor, or teacher to children and adults.


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Gender Equality (5)

Gender Equality

Sustainable Development Goal 5

Classmates in the Library

5.2 : Mentor young women  

Be a mentor to young women in the workplace, at school, in extracurriculars, or at club events to empower the next generation.


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Clean Water and Sanitation (6)

Clean Water and Sanitation

Sustainable Development Goal 6

Water Filters

6.1 : Donate water filters   

Consider donating water filters to organizations that bring clean water to communities in need. Every filter makes a difference!


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Red brick well in the middle of a pond

6.1 : Build a well

Volunteer in the construction of a well in an area without reliable access to clean water.


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Affordable and Clean Energy (7)

Affordable and Clean Energy

Sustainable Development Goal 7

Solar Panels

7.2 : Solar installation

Consider volunteering your time to install solar panels and empower communities with sustainable energy solutions.


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Decent Work and Economic Growth (8)

Decent Work and
Economic Growth

Sustainable Development Goal 8

Job Interview

8.6 : Job fair

Work, volunteer, or attend a job fair or career fair to network and share opportunities.


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Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (9)

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Sustainable Development Goal 9

Desert Road

9.1 : Fill in potholes

Volunteer or work to repair damaged roads and make them safer for everyone.


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Reduced Inequalities (10)

Reduced Inequalities

Sustainable Development Goal 10

Kneeling Protestors

10.2 : Celebrate diversity

Attend an empowerment event such as a peaceful protest or march, a pride event, or another kind of celebration of diversity.


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Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sustainable Development Goal 11

Building Homes

11.1 : Habitat for Humanity

Consider volunteering with Habitat for Humanity to help build homes and provide hope for families in need of decent housing.


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11.7 : Community garden

Volunteer at a community garden to provide fresh produce for food deserts and promote sustainable food sources.


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Public Park

11.7 : Public parks

Volunteer or work at a public green space, such as a local, state, or national park. Keep the area clean, the wildlife protected, and access well-maintained so that everyone can enjoy nature.


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Responsible Consumption and Production (12)

Responsible Consumption and Production

Sustainable Development Goal 12

Clothes on Outdoor Rack

12.5 : Donate clothing 

Donate clothing to a clothing drive or a charity shop to prevent excess waste and provide the underprivileged with affordable clothing.


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Donation Boxes

12.5 : Attend a swap meet

Attend a barter or swap meet to exchange goods or services and prevent excess waste.


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Climate Action (13)

Climate Action

Sustainable Development Goal 13


13.3 : Learn about the problem 

Attend an informational, webinar, seminar, workshop, or class to learn about climate change and the solutions we are working on to slow it.


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Climate Protest

13.3 : Learn about Climate Policy

Learn about the policies, treaties, or laws of your home. At the city, state, or country level, educate yourself on your climate related legislation.


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Life Below Water (14)

Life Below Water

Sustainable Development Goal 14

Beach Cleanup Volunteers

14.1 : Clean Up

Participate in a clean up of our marine resources. Clean ups involve removing trash and debris from coastal areas like the beach, and waterways that enter the ocean such as rivers. 


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Image by

14.5 : Protect the         mangroves

Mangroves are an important coastal plant that protect us from storms, among many other services. Do something to help them, such as a clean up or planting mangrove seeds.


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Life on Land (15)

Life On Land

Sustainable Development Goal 15

Brown Lemur

15.c : Care for animals

Volunteer in the care of animals at a shelter, zoo, or sanctuary.


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Planting a Tree

15.2 : Plant a tree

Plant a tree in your own backyard or volunteer with an organization in your community.


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15.2 : Support pollinators

Plant pollinator friendly flowers or produce that are native to your area to protect and support important pollinators like bees and butterflies.


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Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (16)

Peace, Justice, and
Strong Institutions

Sustainable Development Goal 16

Voting in Election

16.7 : Vote

Get involved and use your voice to choose your representatives at local, state, and country level. Stay informed and choose representatives who you believe will fight for the things you care about fairly.


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Political Conference

16.7 : Attend a community meeting

Attend a community gathering like a town hall meeting or a council meeting. You could also attend a county, state, or national level meeting. Learn about the topics being discussed in your community.


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Partnerships for the Goals (17)

Partnerships for the Goals

Sustainable Development Goal 17

Charity Work

17.3 : Donate to foreign aid

Donate to foreign aid causes to support those in need globally.


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Political Conference

17.17 : Work with a volunteer organization

Volunteer with a parent organization that can mobilize larger groups of volunteers to make a meaningful impact towards a cause.


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